Bright Eyes – Cincinnati Newborn Photographer

This little newborn nugget is quite the observer. She didn’t really want to sleep during our photo session, but yet she was so calm. Just gnawing on her little fist and taking in world in with her bright eyes. 🙂

Big sister Megan is thrilled to have a new baby in her life! She doted on little Jenna during the whole session, like only a 2 year old big sister can – bringing her flowers, hair pretties, and lots of kisses.

As much as I love the newborn wide-awake shots, there’s something special about the sweet sleepy curly soft pictures. So with lots of patience, feeding, and cuddling, we finally got Jenna to settle down into a little nap – just long enough to snap a few of the precious sleepy pictures that her mommy wanted.

Thank you to little Jenna’s mommy and daddy for letting me play with your precious little one! I hope you love your pictures.


  1. Jackie says:

    Man, Matt and I sure make some pretty babies!! 🙂 Thanks Cara…you are amazing!

  2. Sarah Weaver says:

    Jackie, you really do make beautiful babies, she’s so cute!!! Congratulations and great photos Cara!

  3. […] that newborn – she’s already made her grand debut on my website. Not even a month old yet, and she’s already had 2 photo shoots. She’s a pro at it […]

  4. I love the big sister, little sister shirts! Oh and ofcourse all the photo’s are precious!!!

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