There’s something so precious about a just-born baby. So perfect, so simple, and so sweet. All the little squishy wonderful parts. And the perfect love that fills a family’s fuzzyheaded first days with their precious baby is unlike anything else in this world.
This little guy was such a perfect peanut, and his big brother and sister were equally sweet. Momma’s got full hands these days, but the full hands come with a full heart. I once had three under 5 so I know exactly the complete joy and utter exhaustion that comprises her new every day life. And as challenging as it is, it’s equally rewarding. The days of sippy cups, dirty diapers, bedtime stories, and midnight feedings are some of the most harrowing and also the sweetest.
Perfection. That’s all I can use to describe the feeling.
Mischief and Laughs Photography is a custom newborn and family photographer located just outside of Rochester NY in beautiful Canandaigua. Our cozy loft studio is fully equipped to capture these precious memories with your new baby. Call Cara today to book your newborn session!