Project 365: Week 6

Chugging along with my daily lifestyle project. My children are proving to be fascinating subjects, and I know for a FACT that this project is influencing my client sessions already. As time goes on and my journey as a photographer allows me to dig deeper and deeper into the art, I am finding more and more beauty in the everyday. The little moments that make a family special.

I am so inspired by a project entitled “You are my Wild” and I love the variety and the depth of the experience that they are posting over there. And I love that this photography community can come together for group projects such as my 365 and the You Are My Wild project and celebrate our lives together and help one another grow as artists.

To follow along the blog circle with the other ladies in the Project 365 Group, click over to Sharyn.

2/10: Piggies for church


2/9: cousins (just happy they are all sitting together. never mind smiles.)


2/8: Not Tired


2/7: Laundry Help


2/7: Among the woods

among the trees

2/6: her favorite gift

putting on makeup

2/5: DaddyIMG_7566 (1)

2/4: Snowfall




  1. […] to see more? Check out Mischief & Laughs photographer Cara Harrison’s images for the […]

  2. Gorgeous work this week…I’m really loving your “laundry” image. That pocket of light is just gorgeous.

  3. the pigtails, the laundry, the lipgloss…. love them! nice week.

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