And then my heart soared {northern KY lifestyle photographer}

For so, so many reasons, this session was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. It was amazing to see these children (all of them) running around their home like little monkeys, climbing everything in sight, swinging for the fences, and just being children and living life only the way children can.

Mr. B. has had a rough couple years, but has fought through everything and always with a smile and a big bunch of love for his little brother and sister. That love and the joy that this family has just being together is amazing.

This session took place right in the family’s own backyard, quite literally. The kids’ swingset, the garden in the back, the giant oak tree, and the tire swing. Oh and the dirt. I can’t forget the little guy’s dirtpile.

five year oldswingset swinging fastIMG_5742picking apples three year olddetails northern KY child photographer IMG_5738 IMG_5777 (1)northern ky family photographerclimbing treesIMG_5956 IMG_5806IMG_5960 child lifestyle photographerIMG_5930 copy (1)in home family photographer IMG_5949

At home sessions are fun! If you would like more information about how you can get your own special session in the comfort of your own yard, or in your own cozy kitchen or your kids’ bedroom, please contact


  1. Beth Brown says:

    I love it. In the midst of all the stress, it’s nice to see all of you playing, loving, and laughing. It made my day!

  2. Barbara Williams says:

    Wonderful! The joy and peace is so evident.

  3. great them all.

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