Well I really truly am keeping up with this 365 project, but editing and posting is kicking my rear. 😉  With spring sessions booking left and right (yay!) the most I can hope for is a shoot now, edit later approach. It’s all good though – I’m doing this for me and my children. My goal is long-term here.
4/28: Watering
4/27: Mild
4/27: Wild! (Alex likes the throw-up rides best.)
4/26: Always mad about something
4/25: Wishes
4/24: Minecraft. Always Minecraft.
4/23: Finger Paint
4/22: Not a lick of fear.
4/21: Snow Angels
4/20: Baseball
4/19: Rolling down
4/18: Motivated (by candy)
4/17: Always getting filthy
4/16: Flowers for momma
4/15: Sassy Bucket